User's Manual

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Bome MIDI Translator: User's Manual 9 Actions
To define the physical port to an alias, click the Edit button. In order to
remove an alias, use the Delete button. If the alias is used in other
translators, it will likely be recreated. Also, if you load a project file with the
deleted alias, it will be recreated.
The alias assignments are stored on a local computer. When using a project
with serial ports on a different computer, you will first need to define the
serial port aliases.
9.8.3 Configuring the Serial Port
By pressing the Configure button, you can specify the port's connection
Serial port configuration can be done on both the actual serial
ports, and on serial port aliases.
We recommend to only configure port aliases.
The port configuration is stored in the project
file so you can use different port configurations
in different projects.
Note: prior to version 1.8.2, you could only set
the configuration on serial ports and not on
serial port aliases.
Baud Rate
Use the drop-down list to use one of the usual
baud rates, or enter a custom baud rate
directly. Note that some operating systems
and/or serial port devices may not support all
baud rates. The most common rate for
terminals and the like is 115200. Physical MIDI baud rate is 31250.
Data Bits / Stop Bits / Parity
These definitions specify the physical protocol. They depend on the receiving
serial port device. Most common is 8N1, i.e. 8 data bits, parity None, and 1
stop bit.
Use as MIDI Device
By checking this option, MIDI in and out ports appear inside MIDI
Translator. See the next chapter for details.
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