User's Manual

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Bome MIDI Translator: User's Manual 9 Actions
Project Global AppleScript Section
In the Project Properties, there is a text area where you can enter free form
AppleScript handlers. These handlers can be called from your outgoing
action so that you have a space for AppleScript code that you need to run
from multiple outgoing actions.
Example: global handler for iTunes volume
The following text, when entered in the global AppleScript section, defines a
handler that lets you set the iTunes volume.
on setITunesVolume(vol)
tell application id ""
set the sound volume to vol
end tell
end setITunesVolume
Now from any Outgoing AppleScript action, you can call the handler
Do not enter code outside of a handler in the global section. It
will be executed at arbitrary times (or not at all).
Referencing MIDI Translator in an AppleScript
The special identifier __APPLICATION_NAME__ is replaced with the
application name, i.e. “Bome MIDI Translator Pro” (or to whatever you have
renamed the program bundle name in the Finder). if you need to self-
reference the MIDI Translator application, use that identifier rather than
hard coding the name.
9.9.2 Control MT using External AppleScript
You can control a running instance of MIDI Translator from 3
Currently, there are 2 commands available:
set variable <varname> to <value>
get variable <varname>
You can only manipulate global variables.
For external AppleScript support to work, you must have MIDI
Translator installed in the Applications folder.
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