User's Manual

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Bome MIDI Translator: User's Manual 13 Tips & Tricks
This works, and will give the performance gain. However, there is a practical
problem: when working on the Project, saving it will save the “Initialization”
preset in deactivated state. So the next time you load it, it won't be called,
because it's not active. So you'd need to activate it manually every time
before you save the project to ensure it's saved in “active” state.
One way to solve this is to add another “Project Open” preset with just one
Translator. The “Project Open” preset will stay active and it will just activate
the Initialization preset. The Translators in the Initialization preset are
modified to react to “when this preset is activated”:
Preset 0: "Project Open"
Translator 0: trigger Initialization
Incoming: On Project Opened
Outgoing: Activate Preset "Initialization"
Preset 1: "Initialization"
Translator 0: init 1
Incoming: current preset is activated
Outgoing: [initialization 1]
Translator N: "deactivate Init preset"
Incoming: current preset is activated
Outgoing: Deactivate Preset "Initialization"
This way has another advantage: you can manually trigger the initialization
anytime during development of your project by simply activating the
“Initialization” preset.
13.6.2 Use “Stop Processing”
Another way to optimize processing is to bail out of event processing when
all relevant Translators have processed it.
The way to do that is to identify Translators which are the only ones with
this particular Incoming Action (e.g. a special MIDI message). Then check
the “Stop Processing” flag so that the event will not be further tried to be
processed by following Translators.
Of course, this also works if you have multiple Translators reacting on the
same Incoming Action: only activate “Stop Processing” for the last of the
series of Translators with the same Incoming Action.
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