Instructions / Assembly

When grinding, leave corners slightly beveled. Very
sharp or pointed carbide may break on harder stones.
Don’t forget to grind the shank end or striking head
frequently to maintain the correct “as-new” shape for
safe performance.
Use care when storing or transporting carbide tools.
Although tough and durable, carbide can break,
especially when struck by another carbide tool.
Never quench your carbide tool after grinding.
Sudden changes in temperature can cause cracking
and chipping of the tip, so always air cool your tool
after grinding.
Hand Chippers: A Carbide Chipper is used to chip a
straight edge onto a flat, smooth, stone like a monument
or building stone that has been sawed, ground or pol-
ished smooth. It is usually used along a chalk line or
placed in position and th head is struck with a hand ham-
mer. As the stone is chipped off, the blade is moved
along the chalk line or straight edge and the chipping
process continues.
Hand Chippers should not be used to chisel off high spots
on stone or chip an edge onto rough stone.
If chipping or chiseling is needed on a rough as-quarried
piece of stone, a carbide chisel should be used.
Hand Chisels: A Carbide Chisel is used to chisel off high
spots on stone. It can also be used to trace lines on stone
or chop off edges of stone.
Hand Points: A Carbide Point is used to lift high spots off
a stone to shape it.
Hand Sets: A Carbide Set is used to pound off stone
along the edge of a flat smooth stone. It is used along a
chalk line to produce dimensioned stone. the entire blade
should be placed on the stone and angled back just a lit-
tle before striking with a hand hammer. As the stone falls
off, the set is moved forward along the line for continued
striking and stone removal. If the stone is not smooth and
the carbide resets on few high spots of rough stone, the
carbide can be expected to fracture. The 3/8” wide end
of the carbide blade should never be used to cut stone.
Hand Tracers: A Carbide Tracer is used to mark a straight
line on stone. The blade is placed in position and the
head is struck with a hand hammer. Continuous tracing
back and forth will usually cause the stone to split along
the line. On large stones, tracers are used to mark a line
that plug holes will be drilled into. Inserting wedges
shims into the drilled holes will cause the stone to split
when the wedges are hit with a hammer. Once the stone
starts to split it usually continues along the traced line.
All Carbide Tools will cut easier, faster and cleaner if the
carbide cutting edges are sharpened frequently. Dull car-
bide can be properly sharpened on green silicon carbide
grinding wheels with a grit size of 80. It is much easier
to grind a cutting edge often than it is to grind it back to
shape after it has become dull.
Heads on hand struck tools should be hard enough to
moderate upsetting or mushrooming be the striking of the
hand hammer. This moderate upsetting should be ground
off frequently to avoid rolling over of the steel. If the
heads are hard enough to prevent upsetting, they will usu-
ally crack and chip off making them dangerous to use.
4430 Gibsonia Rd. Gibsonia, PA 15044 • USA
IS01237 09/09
Carbide Hand Tools

Summary of content (1 pages)