User guide

color palette 272
Coloring groups 95
colors, maximum number of 237, 270, 272
Column spacing 287
Combi experiments
creating 191
new 6
open 6
save 7
Congreve Rule-of-Three 179
Connolly accessible area 181
Connolly molecular surface area 173, 181
Connolly solvent-excluded volume 173
Connolly solvent accessible surface area 172, 181
Connolly solvent excluded Vvolume 181
contracting labels 96
text 1
convert name to structure, limitations 125
convert structure to name, automatic captions 120
name to structure 124
converting names to structures 124
as SLN command 236
with Clipboard 235
copying objects 42
ChemBioDraw 13.0
Index 369 of 401