Installation Manual

Cards (up to three) can be assigned to persons either manually
or using a dialog reader connected to a PC via a serial
connection. Only one card can be active per person at any one
time. When upgrading cards the old card is automatically
overwritten and becomes invalid, thus preventing old cards from
gaining access even if those responsible forgot or were unable
to cancel them.
Access Rights (including Group Privileges)
Each person can inherit group privileges as well as having
individual rights assigned to him. Privileges can be restricted by
area and time to an accuracy of one minute. Group privileges
can be used to grant and limit access rights for any or all
cardholders simultaneously. Group privileges can be made
dependent on time models which restrict their access to certain
times of day.
Access tracking
By defining Areas it is possible to track and enforce a correct
sequence of accesses. Even without monitoring, this
configuration makes it possible to display a cardholder's
When a card has been read it can be blocked for a defined
period from entering at the same access point. Hence it is
possible to prevent "passback", where a user hands his card
back across a barrier to provide access for an unauthorized
Automatic Cancelation of cards upon Expiration
Visitors and temporary staff frequently require access for a
limited period only.
cards can be registered for a specific time period, so that they
automatically lose their validity when that period expires.
Time Models and Day Models
Access PE 3.0
General | en 13
Bosach Access Systems GmbH 2014-06 | 3.0 | Installation Manual