Installation Manual

A cardholder can be assigned to specific time models which
regulate the hours in which that person has access. Time
models can be defined flexibly using day models which
determine how specific weekdays, weekends, holidays and
special days deviate from normal working days.
Identification via PIN-Code
Instead of a card a person can use a special PIN-Code to enter.
Verification via PIN-Code
Particularly sensitive areas can be programmed to require
additional PIN-Codes. This protection can in turn be made
dependent on time models, so that, for instance, a PIN-Code is
only required for access during holiday times or outside of
defined working hours.
Flexible Door Management
Flexible parameterization of individual door models allows an
optimum balance between security and comfort. The "shunt" or
alarm suppression period can be individually specified to
regulate for how long a door may remain open. In cooperation
with an alarm system the access point can then optionally be
Periodic Door Release
In order to facilitate access, door alarms can be shunted to
release doors for specific periods. Door release periods can be
defined manually or automatically via a time model.
Time and Attendance
Access points can be parameterized to record ingress and
egress for time & attendance purposes.
Card Design
The graphical add-in module Card Personalization (CP) is fully
integrated into the Access Control system to allow the operator
to create cards without switching applications.
Assignment of Photos
If the add-in module Card Personalization (CP) is not activated
photographic identification can nevertheless be imported and
associated with cardholders.
en | General Access PE 3.0
2014-06 | 3.0 | Installation Manual Bosach Access Systems GmbH