Installation Manual

Declining the Export
You can forego the export by selecting the option No, all data
can be lost!
In this case you will have to reconfirm the setting by selecting
the option Yes, I ’m sure, all data can be lost. in the following
dialog box. Alternatively, if you confirm the default setting, the
data export will be started.
Figure 5.6: Deinstallation – Safety check when declining the Export.
The Export function executes a separate application, also
located in the bin directory of Access PE, and exports the
selected tables. The default directory for containing exports is
called SaveData and is created parallel to the software
directories under C:\Program Files\BOSCH\Access Professional
Depending on the amount of data this process can take several
88 en | Deinstallation - Reinstallation Access PE 3.0
2014-06 | 3.0 | Installation Manual Bosach Access Systems GmbH