Operation Guide

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48 en | Searching for text Bosch Video Client
F.01U.247.166 | v1.2 | 2011.06 Operator’s manual Bosch Security Systems
14.1.4 Start search
Click to start the search.
14.1.5 Search results
When the search is completed, a list of video clips that match the filter criteria is displayed.
This list shows the latest recordings at the top, the earliest at the bottom.
1. Click on a column header to sort the list according to that column item. Click a second
time to sort the list in reverse order.
2. Use the scroll bar to examine the full list.
3. Click on an entry in the list to select it;
The selected event is displayed in the playback window.
4. Use the playback controls to adjust playback speed and direction.
Click to open the list.
Click to clear the list.