Installation Guide

D9412GV4/D7412GV4/D7212GV4 | Installation and Operation Guide | 13.0 SDI2 Devices
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 3/12 | F01U266054-01 72
PC to the B420’s Ethernet port, which requires
you to remove the Ethernet cable that connects
the B420 to the Web for the duration of the IP
direct connection. Be sure to reconnect the B420
to the internet when you finish.
The IP Direct connection for RPS uses the B420’s
AutoIP configuration. Refer to the B420
Installation and Operation Guide for configuration
information. This connection method also allows
diagnostic and history retrieval.
13.5.3 Ethernet Communications Module Faults
With a B420 Ethernet Communications Module
installed, several services are made available to
the GV4 series control panel. Any break in the
Ethernet connection to a supervised B420 results
in a system fault at the keypads indicating Open
Cable trouble. An SDI FAULT event is sent to the
central station, if enabled.
If a Domain Name Server (DNS) is available on
the network, a failure to resolve an individual
Network Address host name results in a system
fault at the keypads indicating DNS ERROR ##.
The error number represents the communication
module and path destination combination that
failed. Refer to the
D9412GV4/D7412GV4/D7212GV4 Program Entry
Guide for details on communication module/path
destination combinations. A failure to resolve the
domain name used for RPS Network Address is
displayed on the keypads as DNS ERROR 99.
If a B420 fails all communication with the DNS, a
system fault indicating Network Module #
Address Error will be displayed on all keypads
and a SDI TROUBLE event is sent to the central
stations, if enabled.
13.6 B820 SDI2 Inovonics Interface
The B820 SDI2 Inovonics Interface Module allows
a control panel to interface with an Inovonics
EN4200 EchoStream Serial Receiver through the
SDI2 bus. You can add up to 1 B820 module to a
control panel.
The address switch determines the address for
the B820 module. The control panel requires the
module’s address for communications. The B820
address switches provide a single-digit setting for
the module’s address. The module uses
addresses 1 through 4. Addresses 0 and 5
through 9 are invalid. When connected to a GV4
Series Control Panel, only addresses 1 and 2 are
valid. Refer to Figure 31 on page 72.
Figure 31: B820 Switch Set to Address 1
13.7.1 Supervision
Supervision of a B820 SDI2 Inovonics Interface
Module is enabled automatically when at least
one RF device is enrolled. Available RF devices on
the GV4 Series Control Panel are RF Repeaters,
wireless points, or user keyfobs. Any failure to
receive an expected response from an SDI2
module results in a system fault display on all
keypads and an SDI Fault event sent to the
central station.
13.7.2 Wireless Receiver Faults
The B820 SDI2 Inovonics Interface Module
detects and reports ambient Radio Frequency
(RF) interference as a system fault indicated as a
jamming condition. This fault is accompanied by
an RF Interference event sent to the central
The tamper input on the B820 module can, if
enabled, create a system fault at the keypads.
The B820 module can also generate a general
trouble system fault. This fault indicates a non-
recoverable problem has occurred that requires
servicing. The trouble system fault and module
tamper system fault are reported as a module
specific SDI Fault to the central station.
13.7.3 Wireless Repeaters Faults
Each wireless repeater within range of the B820
SDI2 Inovonics Interface Module can report its
AC status, battery status, and tamper input
status. Each of these conditions has a
corresponding system fault display at the
keypads, and generates a module-specific SDI
Fault event that is sent to the central station.