
English 33
Care and Cleaning
Care and Cleaning -
the Cooktop
Do not use any cleaner on the glass while the surface is hot; use only
the razor blade scraper. The resulting fumes can be hazardous to your
health. Heated cleaner can chemically attack and damage surface.
Precautions for Long Life and Good
Appearance of the Surface
Regular, daily care using the glass ceramic cooktop cleaner will protect the
surface and make it easier to remove food soil and water spots.
The glass ceramic cooking surface is a durable material resistant to impact
but not unbreakable if a pan or other object is dropped on it.
Never cook food directly on the glass.
Avoid placing a wok support ring, trivet or other metal stand on glass surface.
Do not use the glass surface as a cutting board.
Do not slide cookware across the cooking surface; it may scratch the glass.
Do not place wet pans on the glass surface.
Before Use Care Care is easy when preventative steps are taken. For example, apply a small
amount of glass ceramic cooktop cleaner (packaged with range) on a daily basis.
This provides a protective film that makes it easy to remove water spots or food
spatters. The temperature of the cooking surface reduces the protective qualities
of this cleaner. It must be reapplied before each use. Use a clean cloth and apply
glass ceramic cooktop cleaner before each use to remove dust or metal marks
that can occur on the counter level surface between uses.
Daily Cleaning Techniques 1. Clean the surface when completely cool with the glass ceramic cooktop
Exception: Remove dry sugar, sugar syrup, tomato products and milk imme-
diately with the razor blade scraper (See Cooktop Care Chart, next page).
2. Wipe off spatters with a clean, damp sponge or paper towel. Rinse and dry.
Use white vinegar if smudge remains; rinse.
3. Apply a small amount of the glass ceramic cooktop cleaner. When dry, buff
surface with a clean paper towel or cloth.
Pies, one crust Med Covered
Pies, two crusts Med Uncovered
Pizza Hi Covered
Pork Med Covered
Potatoes, baked Hi Covered
Potatoes, mashed Med Covered
Poultry, roasted Med Covered
Vegetables Med Covered
Plates Low Uncovered
Plate of food Med Covered
Table 9: Warming Drawer Chart
Food Temperature
Covered /
Cleaning and Maintenance