Operating instructions

Water quality
All Bosch water heating appliances are constructed from high quality materials and
components and all are certified for compliance with relevant parts of Australian and New
Zealand gas, electrical and water standards.
Whilst Bosch water heaters are warranted against defects, the warranty is conditional upon
correct installation and use, in accordance with detailed instructions provided with the heater,
in the case of the water supplied to the heater, it is important that the water quality b e of
acceptable standard.
The water quality limits/parameters listed in water quality table are considered acceptable
and generally, Australian and New Zealand suburban water supplies fall within these
In areas of Australia and New Zealand where water may be supplied, either fully or partly,
from bores, artesian wells or similar, one or more of the important limits may well be
exceeded and the heater could, therefore, be at risk of failure.
Where uncertainty exists concerning water quality, intending appliance users should seek a
water analysis from the water supplying authority and in cases where it is established that the
water supply does not meet the quality requirements of the water quality table, the Bosch
warranty would not apply.
Wat er qualit y t able
Maximum levels
Saturat ion
(langelier )
Tot al
Ir on
6.5-9.0 +0.4 to -1.0
at 65 °C
mg/ l
mg/ l
mg/ l
mg/ l
Table 8
Page 7