Installation Manual

Table Of Contents
An Allegiant Biphase control data line from the code distribution unit at the Main site must be
provided to each satellite site. This data line carries all pan/tilt/zoom control commands, in
addition to the switching commands generated by the Main site switcher. The control data
line should be connected to an LTC 8780 Series Data Converter to provide address decoding
functions for the satellite site. If operators at the satellite site are permitted to control pan/
tilt/zoom-equipped cameras, an LTC 8569 Series Code Merger must be installed at the
satellite site. The Code Merger combines code generated by the main site and the satellite
site, so both sites have control over pan/tilt/zoom-equipped cameras located at the satellite
site. The LTC 8780 Series unit can then be connected to one of the data outputs of the LTC
8569 Series unit.
One or more monitor outputs from each satellite system are used as video trunk lines to link
the remote sites to the Main site. The number of trunk lines from a satellite site determines
the maximum number of cameras from that site that may be viewed simultaneously at the
Main site. A satellite switcher model must be selected so that it provides the desired number
of local monitor outputs plus the number of monitor outputs that will be used as trunk lines.
The Main site switcher must include sufficient camera inputs for local cameras plus trunk
lines. The maximum physical number of camera inputs or monitor outputs used as trunk lines
cannot exceed the capacity of the system. A single Main site switcher can control multiple
satellite sites up to its video input limit. If full matrix switching is required at the Main site, the
number of trunk lines from each satellite site must equal the number of monitors connected to
the Main site switcher. Multiple independently controlled Main site systems can be combined
to provide large numbers of monitor outputs at the Main site. System capacities are listed
System Type
Max. Camera Inputs Max. Monitor Outputs Max. No. of Satellites
LTC 8300 Series 32 6 32
LTC 8500 Series 64 8 64
LTC 8600 Series 12 16 128
LTC 8800 Series 256 64 256
LTC 8900 Series 4096 512 256
Since Main site Allegiant Series switchers support access to a large quantity of remote
satellite cameras, they provide additional logical camera numbers for identifying the location
of the satellite camera inputs in the system. These logical camera numbers can also include
titles which would appear on the Main sites monitors for any remote cameras. Since each
camera (anywhere in the system) must have a unique camera number, logical camera numbers
together with physical camera inputs make up the total system camera capacity. Thus, there is
a trade-off between the total number of Main site cameras and the number of inputs used as
trunk lines.
The more inputs used as trunk lines, the fewer there are for use as direct camera inputs.
Model No.
Maximum Number of System Cameras
LTC 8300 Series 288
LTC 8500 Series 320
LTC 8600 Series 1152
LTC 8800 Series 2304
LTC 8900 Series Satellite System Configuration Installations | en 59
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. Installation Manual 2016.04 | 10.7 | F.01U.323.096