
Bosch Security Systems | 2007-08 | 9922 141 50672en
Plena Loop Amplifier | Installation and User Instructions | Operation en | 34
6.4 Change tone
You can change the tone of the audio signal on the
connected induction loops with the tone controls. The
tone controls are on the front of the loop amplifier (refer
to figure 6.4).
The left tone control changes the bass or low
frequency content of the audio signal.
The right tone control changes the treble or high
frequency content of the audio signal.
6.5 Condition LEDs
figure 6.4: Tone controls
table 6.1: Status indicators
Indicator Description Recommended action Additional information
Fault The loop amplifier does
not operate correctly.
Contact your dealer when
the LED goes off.
Refer to section 5.5.
Loop integrity The induction loops are
not intact.
Contact your dealer when
the LED goes off.
AGC The automatic gain
control is on.
---- Refer to section 5.7.
Limiter The signal of one or more
of the inputs is clipped off
because it is too strong.
Check which input is too
loud and turn its volume
control counterclockwise
to decrease the volume.
Refer to section 5.7.