Use and Care Guide

Getting Started en-us
Menu overview
The dishwasher has been preset with certain settings for your convenience.
You can change these factory settings.
Use the function keys #, + and 3 to change the settings.
Setting Factory setting Description
§ Rinse aid
§:‹‹ - §:‹‡
§:‹† Amount of rinse aid affects drying. When using
Multitabs, select setting 0.
š Intensive drying *
š:‹‹ - š:‹‚
š:‹‹ / Off Improved drying for glasses and plasticware.
˜ Auto power off
˜:‹‹ - ˜:‹ƒ
˜:‹‚ Dishwasher switches off automatically after wash
cycle is complete.
* depending on the features of your dishwasher