
28-4 Camera Handler Release Notes
zero and start from 1024x768. Then if handler wants to set 1280x720 to camera,
the index is '2'.
Handler uses TYPE2 (Samsung different cameras use different APIs, defined in
their formal datasheet, named TYPE1 and TYPE2, TYPE2 is used by most
cameras) command to communicate with generic camera.
Since most on-sale cameras do not support bitrate feature, generic camera will
not support it.
Generic camera does not support PTZ, lens and image settings. For codec
settings, there are some limitations:
•The compression (generic uses it as quality) valid value MUST be
continuous from 1-20, 1 is best, 20 is worst;
•The GOP valid value MUST be continuous from 1-15;
Default values of codec properties:
•Default FPS is the middle one (if the middle one is not supported, use
previous one); For example, if valid FPS are 1,2,3,4, default value is '2',
if the valid FPSs are "1,2,3", default value is '1';
•Default Quality is 70;
•Default resolution is the first one in the valid list. For example, if the
valid resolution list which giving by the camera is:
1024x768,640x480,1280x720,800x600, handler use '1024x768' as
•Default key frame interval is 14.
Known Issues
Several cameras' (such as SNZ-5200, SND-5080, SNP-3430H, SNP-5200, SNV-5010, SNZ-
5200) valid resolutions are not listed in min-max (image width) order. It is because these
cameras use resolution index to communicate with the camera, and their resolutions are not
ordered from min to max.
Although the key cameras in some groups (SND-3080, SND-7080) support brightness, some
cameras covered by them do not support it, so the NVR web image page will display the
brightness property value as BLANK.
When the resolution is lower than 800x600, the image's bottom edge may have a mosaic or
color block.
Found duplicate Timestamps in NVR4.2.1.0. At Higher FPS, more duplicated time stamps were
found. This issue causes the NVR to sometimes restart the video stream.
At higher FPS, the count of duplicate timestamps is increased
When the issue happens, NVR4.2.1 log will report a [isLargeTimeChange] issue.The vendor
confirmed they have found this issue.
For SPE series and SNB-3000 series (for example, SND-3080), AlarmIn reacts very slowly. It
can be up to 4 seconds from manually triggering AlarmIn pins before the camera reports the
For SND-3080, camera may report false alarms for both AlarmIns when setting active state for
any AlarmIn. When the active state is set to HIGH, the camera randomly reports false alarm
status, which will cause wrong alarms in NVR.
Live view latency is about 500ms (H264, MJPEG, MPEG4).