
What’s New in This Release
2-2 Camera Handler Release Notes
Since the NVR uses CBR to control bitrate, the bandwidth of H.264 and MPEG4 are the same.
This handler does not support VBR.
Camera Firmware Approx Bitrate at Quality Setting (Max FPS, Max Resolution)
20 40 60 80 100
PAL v1.x firmware 1,140,000 5,240,000 9,220,000 16,780,000 25,160,000
NTSC v1.x firmware 1,180,000 5,320,000 8,160,000 15,100,000 24,750,000
PAL v2.x firmware 278,600 557,000 1,080,000 2,130,000 4,220,000
NTSC v2.x firmware 290,000 550,000 1,070,000 2,120,000 4,200,000