User's Manual

Table Of Contents
en Faults and what to do about them.
Foam is leaking from the
detergent drawer.
Automatic dosing: i-DOS Check the dosage settings and, if required, reduce
the basic dosage. ~ "i-DOS Setting the dosage" on page 37
If required, use a different liquid detergent/fabric softener.
Manual dosing: Have you used too much detergent? Use less detergent in
the next wash cycle.
Immediate action: Mix one tablespoon of fabric softener with 1/2 litre of
water and pour it into the manual dosing compartment (not suitable for out-
door clothing, sportswear or items stuffed with down).
Repeated, intensive foam-
Automatic dosing: i-DOS Check the dosage settings and, if required, reduce
the basic dosage. ~ "i-DOS Setting the dosage" on page 37
If required, use a different liquid detergent/fabric softener.
Manual dosing: Have you used too much detergent? Add less detergent the
next time you run a wash cycle with the same load.
Detergent/fabric softener
drips off the seal and col-
lects on the door or in the
seal fold.
There is too much detergent/fabric softener in the dispensers. Do not fill the
dispensers above the max. mark.
Washing results not satis-
i-DOS Check the dosage settings and, if required, increase the basic dos-
age. ~ "i-DOS Setting the dosage" on page 37
Use a different liquid detergent.
Ensure that the detergent/softener has not congealed or formed lumps. If
required, clean the detergent drawer and pump unit. ~ Page 39
Noises in the detergent
drawer after switching on
the appliance.
Not a fault – a function test of the i-DOS pump unit is being carried out.
Noises in the detergent
drawer while the i-DOS
dosage is running.
Not a fault – the i-DOS pump is dosing detergent or fabric softener.
The drum briefly jerks or
judders after the pro-
gramme has started.
Not a fault – the internal motor test may cause the drum to jerk or judder briefly
when the wash programme starts.
The water is not being
pumped out.
Is $ selected (Rinse Hold = no final spin)? ~ Page 34
Clean the drain pump. ~ Page 43
Clean the drain pipe and/or the drain hose.
Water is not visible in the
Not a fault – the water is below the visible area.
Spin results not satisfac-
Laundry wet/too damp.
Not a fault – the unbalanced load detection system has interrupted the spin
cycle because the laundry is unevenly distributed.
Distribute small and large items of laundry evenly in the drum.
Is Reduced Ironing selected? ~ Page 31
Is the selected speed too low?
Drum starts rotating
briefly several times.
Not a fault – the unbalanced load detection system is eliminating an imbalance.
Faults Cause/remedy