Installation manual

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Follow these recommendations to minimize installation related problems.
GEM 610C (G3)
USE CAUTION when crimping the terminals onto the end of the GEM harness.
Test each crimp by tugging on it sharply.
It is almost impossible to pull off a properly crimped terminal.
KEEP the GEM harness at least 1 inch away from the ignition harness, P-leads, and alternator wiring.
Some aircraft produce electrical noise, which will cause erratic indications.
G3 Install Location Cautionary Notice
The G3 graphic engine monitor has EGT, CHT and TIT primary STC.
Mounting installation of the G3 should be in a clear and user friendly viewing location.
G3 display should be mounted within the pilot’s subpanel or the center panel and not on the copilots subpanel
unless the G3 can be canted towards the pilot.
G3 Fuel Totalizer Cautionary Notice
The Fuel Remaining display on the G3 is very useful but is not without limitations. Understand first that the fac-
tory fuel quantity gauges are the only instruments in the panel that physically measure fuel level. They are still
the primary indication of fuel level in the airplane.
The G3 doesn’t measure level, but instead measures only fuel flow rate. The G3 totalizes the rate information
to account for fuel used. If you know how much fuel you started with and how much you have used you can
figure fuel remaining by simple subtraction. The pilot must supply an accurate starting fuel level for this sub-
traction to produce the correct fuel remaining result. Should the pilot overstate the fuel quantity on board, the
G3 will dangerously overstate the fuel remaining and the endurance time as well. The pilot must be careful and
diligent when setting the fuel on board.
Getting the correct fuel total on board is in many cases pretty easy. If you fill up prior to takeoff the number is
obviously the total available on board. If you partially fill a known configuration (say tips empty) then the total
is easy to calculate. If you partially fill fuel tanks or add an accurately know quantity to a poorly known original
value - errors will abound. Unaccounted fuel loss from leakage, fuel vent overflow or theft will of course pro-
duce erroneous results.
So be careful and the G3 will deliver safe, reliable, and convenient fuel information. But be sure to cross refer-
ence the information on the primary fuel quantity gauges. Never trust a single source of fuel information when
you have two on board. Fuel exhaustion still ranks highly among accident causes. There is no excuse for this
- don’t let your engine stop until you’re parked.