User Manual

Table 1: Error message
noitcA evitcerroC esuaC deyalpsid aideM
Loading Disc is being read
csid eht naelC ytrid si csiD csiD daB/csiD oN
yaw thgir ni csiD tresnI nwod edispu si csiD
Unknown Disc Unsupported Disc type Check the disc and
change one
Illegal mechanism
Press EJECT for 5s to
reset loading mechanism
Table 2:General problems
noitcA evitcerroC esuaC melborP
Unit will not
power on
Install new fuse with right
thgir htiw esuf wen llatsnI nwolb esuf yrettab raC
Radio fuse blown
nottub TESER eht sserP noitarepo lagellI
Screen touch
is insensitive
Place of touch screen
is offset
Go to setup menu and set
the calibration
No audio output
Improper audio output connection
emulov eht pu nruT 0 EMULOV
Improper MUTE
Check wiring and TEL
MUTE connection
srekaeps egnahC degamad rekaepS
Volume set too low
Heavily biased volume
Check and adjust the channel
balance to the center position
Check wiring and correct
Low audio output
Increase the volume