
<add-in list>
This is a list of the available add-ins that work on patch data. GT Manager is
supplied with the “EQ Adjust” add-in as standard.
Add Ins…
Shows you a list of compatible add-ins and their version numbers.
Convert to text
Converts the selected patch to text. The text is shown in a new text window.
Convert file format
to GT-3, GT-5, GT-6, GT-8, 0GT-10
Converts the whole patch file to the selected format.
If there are any problems during the conversion, a text window is opened listing
what didn’t work. You can save this if you want. The patch window also has an
additional “Info” button that you can click on to get details on individual patch
conversion problems. The conversion problem information is not stored in the patch
file – it is lost when you save the file.
Tools (only on the toolbar)
Lists the available add-ins.
Help Topics
Opens up the help file for GT Manager.