
Patient System Handbook
Following the general recommendations made by your healthcare provider, you have the
freedom to establish the charging routine that suits you best. Keep in mind that if you do not
charge your implant before it reaches the very low/”hibernation” condition, stimulation will
eventually stop until you charge again. But charging the Precision is a such simple process,
requiring so little effort, that you should never have to experience an interruption of your
pain therapy.
Note: If the implant is not recharged as recommended, stimulation will stop due to a low battery. If
this happens, the implant must be recharged within three days from loss of stimulation. If
stimulation stops and you have lost or cannot get to your charger within five days, contact
Customer Service immediately at (866) 360-4747 for a new charger.
If discontinuing stimulation for an extended period of time, the implant should first be fully
charged. Additionally, the implant should be fully charged every month if stimulation is not