User Guide

Welcome to the “Trial Phase” of the Advanced Bionics® Precision™ pain management
program. You’re about to test a pain treatment therapy that could result in a dramatic change
in your life and your lifestyle. The trial you’ve agreed to participate in is intended to give
you and your physician a chance to evaluate spinal cord stimulation (SCS) as an appropriate
and effective long-term therapy option for your chronic pain.
At the end of the trial period (approximately one week) you and your physician will meet to
discuss your experience with spinal cord stimulation. The doctor will also want to explore
your feelings about a permanent SCS implant so that, together, both of you can determine
whether long-term treatment with spinal cord stimulation is an appropriate option for you.
To prepare yourself for this important decision, you may want to spend at least some of the
trial period carefully evaluating spinal cord stimulation.