User Manual

Physician Implant Manual
Indications for Use
The Precision is indicated for the management of chronic intractable
pain of the trunk and limbs utilizing spinal cord stimulation.
Patient Selection
The therapy is generally most effective in patients who suffer neuro-
pathic pain. Careful patient selection, therefore, is an important factor
in achieving efficacious outcomes. It is recommended that patients be
screened for psychological factors that could reduce the likelihood of
therapeutic success. (Specific information regarding patient selection
is included in the Physician Systems Handbook.) Most successful out-
comes occur with the following:
Identifiable pathology
Pain of neuropathic origin
Psychological screening
Patient understanding of risks, benefits and limitations,
and a commitment to a successful therapy
Successful externalized stimulation trial prior to accep-
tance of permanent IPG implantation
Patients contraindicated for permanent SCS therapy are those who:
do not meet psychological selection criteria
have failed trial stimulation
are poor surgical risks
are pregnant