
Patient Trial Handbook
Overview: The Trial Journal
All trials or tryouts require careful record keeping of times or scores, and your SCS trial is no
exception. In order for you and your doctor to decide to move on to the next step—a permanent
implant— you’ll both need a way to review the details of each of your SCS trial days. The easiest
way to do that is with the help of a journal. Your journal, which can be found at the back of this
manual, consists of the following:
Pain Profile
You may think of the Pain Profile as a way to make a starting point for this trial and for the journal.
The simple questions you answer here will establish a detailed, personal description of your pain
condition. The profile includes a simple graph called a Visual Analog Scale (VAS), commonly used
to measure the before-and-after pain levels of SCS trial patients. You may have completed a VAS
before in your doctor’s office or at a clinic. Once your VAS score is marked, it becomes an important
tool for determining your progress at the end of the trial.
The Journal
Seven log pages are included in your journal. We suggest that you begin keeping the log starting
with the first full day following your surgery. An explanation of the columns follows: