
Patient Trial Handbook
Safety Instructions
The safety considerations of SCS devices for use during pregnancy are unknown. If you
become pregnant, turn off the External Trial Simulator when you become aware of your condition
and consult your physician.
Diathermy. As an SCS patient, you must not have any form of diathermy either as treatment for a
medical condition or as part of a surgical procedure. The high energy and heat generated by
diathermy can be transferred through the leads, causing tissue damage at the lead site and, possibly,
severe injury or death.
Posture. Some changes in posture may cause decreased or uncomfortable increased stimulation
levels. Keep the Remote Control with you at all times in order to be ready to adjust stimulation for
unexpected changes.
Electromagnetic Interference. Avoid or exercise care around electromagnetic fields generated by:
Theft detectors and security screeners (usually located at stores, airports, libraries, and
government buildings)
Power lines and power generators
Electric steel furnaces, arc welders, and other heavy duty industrial electric equipment