
Patient Trial Handbook
During sleep, bathing or for comfort, turn off the Trial Stimulator, remove it from the pocket, and
disconnect the leads (see “The Trial Stimulator” on page 10 for information on disconnecting the
The position and stability of your leads is a vitally important part of the trial experience. Remember
that, when they were placed along your spine, the leads were specifically located according to where
you felt stimulation covering your pain. You want the leads to stay in place! So, to prevent them
from moving:
Do not lift objects of more than 5 pounds.
Do not engage in rigorous activity such as twisting, bending or climbing.
Do not raise your arms above your head.
Do not pull or jiggle the leads.
Again, call your doctor if you have any questions about an activity that you’re not sure is appropriate
for you during the trial.