User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Predischarge F ollow Up
The following procedures are typically performed during the predischarge follow up t est using PRM telemetry:
1. Interrogate the pulse generator and review the Summary screen.
2. Verify pacing thresholds, lead impedance, and amplitude of intrinsic signals.
3. Review counters and histograms.
4. When all testing is complete, perform a nal interrogation and save all the patient data.
5. Print the Quick Notes and Patient Data reports to retain in your les for future reference.
6. Clear the counters and histograms s o that the most recent data will be displayed at the next follow up
session. Counters and histograms can be cleared by pressing Reset on the Histogram screen, Tachy
Counters screen, or Brady Counters screen.
Routine Follow Up
You should conduct routine follow up examinations one month after the predischarge check and every three
months thereafter to evaluate device programming, therapy effectiveness, lead status, and battery status.
NOTE: Because the duration of the device replacement timer is three months (starting when Explant status
is reached), three month follow up frequency is particularly important after the One Year Remaining status
is reached.
Consider performing the following procedures during a routine follow-up test:
1. Interrogate the pulse generator and review the Summary screen.
2. Verify pacing thresholds, lead impedance, and amplitude of intrinsic signals.
3. Print the Quick Notes and Patient Data reports to retain in your les for future reference.