User Manual Part 1

During PES, Manual Burst pacing, and ATP, runaway protection is temporarily
suspended to allow for high-rate pacing.
Maximum Tracking Rate (MTR)
with nonrefractory sensed atrial events. MTR applies to atrial synchronous
pacing modes, namely DDD(R) and VDD(R).
The following are considerations for programming the MTR:
Interactive limits ("Lower Rate Limit (LRL)" on page 5-4).
When the sensed atrial rate is between the programmed LRL and MTR, 1:1
ventricular pacing will occur in the absence of a sensed ventricular event
within the program med AV Dela y. If the se nsed atrial rate exceeds the MTR,
the pulse generator might begin a Wenckebach-like behavior to prevent
the paced ventricular rate from exceeding the MTR. This Wenckebach-like
behavior is characterized by a progressive lengthening of the AV delay
until an occasional P-wave is not tracked because it falls into the PVARP.
This results in an occasional loss of 1 :1 tracking as the pulse generator
synchronizes its paced ventricu lar rate to the next sensed P-wave. Should
the sensed atrial rate continue to increase further above the MTR, the ratio
of se nsed atrial ev ents to sequentially paced ventricular events be comes
lower until, eventually, 2:1 block results (e.g., 5:4, 4:3, 3:2, and nally 2:1).
The PRM will not allow you to program an MTR interval shorter than TARP
(AV Delay + PVARP = TARP). If TARP is less than the interval of the
programmed MTR, then the pulse generator ’s Wenckebach-like behavior
limits the ventricular pa cin g rate to th e MTR. With TARP, the PRM does not
consider the AV Search AV Delay. If AV Search is on, Wenckebach-like
behavior may occur at rates lower than the MTR.
Rapid changes in the paced ventricular rate (e.g., Wenckebach-like, 2:1
block) caused by sensed atrial rates above the MTR may be dampened or
eliminated by the implementation of any of the following:
Rate Smoothing parameters and sensor input