User Manual Part 1

High Sensitivity (low value)—when Sensitivity is programmed to a very
sensitive setting, the pulse generator may detect signals unrelated to
cardiac depolarization (oversensing, such as sensing of myopotentials)
Low Sensitivity (high value)—when Sensitivity is programmed to a
less sensitive setting, the pulse generator may not detect the cardiac
depolarization signal (undersensing)
Post-therapy pacing provides alternate pacing therapy following the delivery
of any shock.
The pacing mode and pacing therapies used following a shock are the same as
the programmed Normal pacing settings.
The following pacing parameters can be programmed independently from the
Normal pacing settings:
Pacing Parameters—LRL, Amplitude, and Pulse Width
Post Therapy Pe rio d
Post-Shock Pacing Delay
The Post-Shock Pacing Delay determines the earliest possible start of
post-shock p acing following the delivery of a ventricular shock and is xed
at 3 seconds.
The timing of the initial pacing pulse in the Post-Therapy Period depends on
the cardiac activity during the Post-Shock Pacing Delay.
If R-waves (and/or P-waves for dual-chamber pacing modes) are sensed
during the Post-Shock Pacing Delay, the device paces only when the
sensed rate is slower than the post-therapy LRL.
If no R-waves (and/or P-waves for dual-chamber pacing modes) are
sensed during the Post-Shock Pacing Delay or if the interval since the
preceding P- or R-wave was greater than the escape interval, a pacing
pulse is delivered at the end of the Post-Shock Pacing Delay.
Subsequent pacing pulses are delivered as required, depending on the pacing