User Manual Part 1

Recording Method—programmable:
30-Second Average
Beat to Beat
When Recording Method is set to Off or 30-Second Average––xed,
approximately 25 hours
When Recording Method is set to Beat to Beat––xed, approximately
40 minutes at 75 bpm
Data Storage—programmable:
Continuous—contains the most recent data available. Storage
starts when setup is conrmed and continuously records the latest
information, overwriting the oldest data until the information is
retrieved. This option allows you to view data for the recording du rat ion
immediately prior to data retrieval.
Fixed—storage starts when setup is conrmed and continues until
device m emory stora ge is full. This a llows you to view data from initial
setup for a xedamountoftime.
Off—when Sensor Trending is programmed to Off, no trending data
is gathered.
Select the View button to vary the time period for how much data is visible;
options exist for 1–25 hours. To adjust the vertical axis, move the slider bar
at the bottom of the display window.
Adaptive-rate Pacing
In adaptive-rate pacing modes, sensors are used to detect changes in
the patient’s metabolic demand and increase the pacing rate accordingly.
Adaptive-rate pacing is intended for patients who exhibit chronotropic
incompetence and who would benet from increased pacing rates that are
concurrent with physical activity.
When adaptive-rate parameters are programmed, the pacing rate increases
in response to increased activity, then decreases a s the activity returns to a
resting level.