User Manual Part 1

If event markers and/or EGMs are activated, transmission of the event
markers and/or EGMs is interrupted
If a command or other action has been requested, the PRM displays a
notication indicating the wand should be placed in range of the pulse
ZIP telemetry operates consistently with wanded telemetry—no programming
step can be completed unless the entire programming command has been
received and c onrmed by th e pulse generator.
The pulse generator cannot be misprogrammed as a result of interrupted ZIP
telemetry. Interruptions of ZIP telemetry may be caused by RF signals that
operate at frequencies near that of the pulse generator and are strong enough
to compete with the ZIP telemetry link between the pulse generator and the
PRM. Signicant interference may result in a break or drop-outs of real-time
EGMs. If commands are interrupted, the PRM displays a message to place
the wand on the pulse generator. These situations can be resolved by using
standard wanded telemetry. There will be no interruption of device functionality
or therapy during this period.
NOTE: The PRM operates on a specic frequency range depending on
geography. The PRM determines the ZIP frequency range that the pulse
generator uses based on the specic device model. If the PRM and pulse
generator ZIP frequency ranges do not match, it indicates that the patient has
traveled outside their geography. T he PRM will display a message indicating
that ZIP telemetry cannot be used; however, the patient’s pulse generator can
be interrogated by using the wand.
Considerations for Reducing Interference
Increasing the distance from the source of interfering signals may enable the
use of the ZIP telemetry channel.
Repositioning the PRM antenna or repositioning the PRM may improve ZIP
telemetry performance. If ZIP telemetry performance is not satisfactory, the
option of using wanded telemetry is available.
Depending on the environment and PRM orientation relative to the pulse
generator, the system is capable of maintaining ZIP telemetry communication
at distances up to 12 m (40 ft). For optimum ZIP telemetry communication,
position the PRM antenna within 3 m (10 ft) of the pulse generator and remove
any obstruction between the PRM and the pulse generator.