User Manual Part 1

When the pulse generator is charging to deliver a shock, the shock delivery
may be diverted from the patient. If diverted, the shock does not count as
one of the total number of shocks that may be delivered during an episode. If
redetection occurs and more shock therapy is required, and if more shocks are
available in the therapy prescription, the pulse generator will charge again to
deliver subsequent shocks.
Also, the DIVERT THERAPY key can be pressed to divert ATP therapy in
midburst. If redetection occurs, the ATP scheme will not be used again and the
next programmed therapy in the sequence will be initiated.
1. If you are not already in a session, position the telemetry wand within range
of the pulse generator.
2. Press the DIVERT THERAPY key. A message window will appear
indicating that a divert attempt is being made.
3. If using wand ed telemetry, maintain the wand position until the message
window disappears, indicating the shock has been diverted. Prematurely
removing th e wand (breaking the telemetry link) may allow t he pulse
generator to continue charging and to deliver the shock.
NOTE: There is a 500 ms delay between the end of charging and shock
delivery designed to provide a minimum period for the DIVERT THERAPY
command. After this time, pressing DIVERT THERAPY may not divert the
A nonprogrammable, maximum-output STAT SHOCK can be delivered to the
patient at any time during a communication session. The STAT SHOCK can be
delivered when the pulse generator’s Tachy Mode is programmed to any mode.
This function does not affect the programmed shock sequences (lower-energy
shocks can be delivered following a STAT SHOCK) and does not count as
one of the total number of shocks in a therapy sequence for a given episode.
The output of the STAT SHOCK is at the maximum-output energy and at
the programmed polarity and waveform; STAT SHOCK is always committed
regardless of programmed parameters.
1. If you are not already in a session, position the telemetry wand within range
of the pulse generator.