User Manual Part 1

During Rhythm ID analysis, the pulse generator rst determines if the
ventricular rate is greater than the atrial rate. If so , therapy will be initiated. If
the ventricular rate is not greater than the atrial rate, Rhythm ID evaluates the
following criteria to determine if therapy should be inhibited or initiated:
Vector Timing and Correlation analysis during initial detection determines
if the rhyt hm is SVT by comparing it to the previously stored reference
template. If the rhythm is declared SVT, therapy is inhibited.
If Vector Timing and Correlation does not declare the rhythm SVT, S tab ility
and AFib Rate Threshold determine if the ventricular rhythm is unstable
and the a trial rate is fast. If the vent ricular rhythm is unstable and the atrial
rate is fast, the rhythm is declared SVT and therapy is inhibited.
Rhythm ID does not consider atrial detection criteria (V Rate > A Rate or A
greater than AFib Rate Threshold) for the following congurations:
Single-chamber devices
Dual-chamber devices if Atrial Tachyarrhythmia Discrimination is
programmed to Off
When congured th is way, Stability is not evaluated for initial detection. This
may be useful in instances where atrial lead problems have occurred. For
these congurations,therapy is inhibited at initial detection if the rhythm is
declared SVT (correlated based on Vector Timing and Correlation). Otherwise,
therapy is initiated.
Two methods are available for th e device to automatically acquire a Rhythm
ID reference template: passive and active. The active method may be useful
for patients who are frequently ventricular paced.
If the passive method is enabled, the pulse generator will attempt to collect the
Rhythm ID reference template every two hours using the programmed brady
successful collection of a reference template, then every 28 hours the device
automatically analyzes the patient’s intrinsic rhythm by adjusting the brady
parameters. During a Rhythm ID active reference template update, the
following will occur:
1. The device veries that t he pat ien t is at rest (as measured by the
accelerometer input).