User Manual Part 1

Lithotripsy. Lithotripsy may permanently damage the pulse generator if
the device is at the focal point of the lithotripsy beam. If lithotripsy must be
used, avoid focusing near the pulse generator site.
The lithotriptor is designed to trigger off the R-wave on the ECG, resulting
in shock waves being delivered during the VRP.
If the patient does not require pacing, program the pulse generator
Brady Mode to Off.
If the patient requires pacing, program the pulse generator to the VVI
mode because atrial pacing pulses can trigger the lithotriptor.
Ultrasound energy. Therapeutic ultrasound (e.g., lithotripsy) energy may
damage the pulse generator. If therapeutic ultrasound energy must be
used, avoid focusing near the pulse generator site. Diagnostic ultrasound
(e.g., echocardiography) is not known to be harmful to the pulse generator.