User Manual Part 2

NYHA functiona l C la ss IV
Current use of antiarrhythmic agents except when indicated for atrial
Coronary artery bypass graft surgery or PTCA within the past 3 months
Enzyme-p ositive myocardial infarction 30 days prior to enrollment
Patients with angiographic evidence of coronary disease who are
candidates for coronary revascularization and are likely to undergo
coronary artery bypass graft s urge ry or PTCA in the forese eab le future
Patients with irreversible brain damage from preexisting cerebral disease
Women of childbearing potential not using medically prescribed
contraceptive measures
Presence of any disease, other than the patient’s cardiac disease,
associated with a reduced likelihood of survival for the duration of the trial,
e.g., cancer, uremia (BUN 70 mg% and/or creatinine 30 mg%)
Patients participating in other clinical heart disease trials
Patients unwilling o r u n ab le t o c oo perate with the study due to dementia,
psychological, or other related reasons
Patients who were unable to participate due to one or more logistical
Patient’s primary care physician refuses to allow patient to participate
Patients who are on the heart transplant list. If the patient is pending
evaluation for the heart transplant list, the patient cannot be enrolled in
MADIT II until it is denitively determined that the patient will NOT be
placed on the transplant list
ICD cannot be implanted due to anatomical abnormality or other medical