User Manual Part 2

AFib threshold 3-28
calculation 3-4
lower limit (LRL) 5-4
maximum sensor 5-6
maximum tracking 5-5
sensing 3 -3
sustained rate duration (SRD) 3-34
threshold, ventricular 3-4
ventricular 3-4
zone 3-4
Rate enhancement, pacing 5-26
rate hysteresis 5-26
rate smoothing 5-28
Rate smoothing 5-2 8
down 5-31
Maximum pacing rate 5-31
up 5-31
Rate threshold, ATR 5-2 0
Reaction time 5-1 5
Read disk 2-11
Reconrmation 3-10, 4-23
Recovery tim e 5-18
Red warning conditions 2-10
Redetection 3-11
after ATP delivery 3-17, 4-8
after shock delivery 3-17, 4-9
duration 3-17
ventricular 4-8
Reform, capacitor 6-5
atrial, post ventric ular (PVARP) 5-36
blanking and noise rejection 5-38
PVARP after PVC 5-37
right ventricular (RVRP) 5-37
Refractory; pacing
refractory 5-36
Related information 1-6
Reliability 1-26
Report, printed 2-7, 2-11
Response factor 5-16
ID, automa tic intrinsic 3-7
Right ventricular refractory (RVRP) 5-37
icon 2-9
Runaway protection 5-4
RV-blank after A-pace 5-38
Safety core 2-19
Safety mode 2-19
Safety Tachy Mode 2-20
Save disk 2-11
Scan scheme 4-16
Screen, programmer application 2-6
icon 2-10
Search +, AV 5-35
Search AV Delay 5-36
Search Interval 5-36
ZIP telemetry 2-14
Sensing, rate 3-3
Sensitivity 5-8
Sensitivity ad jus tment 10-3
Sensor and trending, pacing 5-11
accelerometer 5-13
adaptive-rate 5-12
maximum sensor rate (MSR) 5-6
Setscrew locations 9-6
parameter value A-1
zone conguration 3-4
charge time, energy 4-22, 6-5
commanded, EP test 8-10
committed 4-23
diverting 2-17
energy 4-21
impedance 6-8
last delivered 6-6