User Manual Part 2

RV Sensing
RV Paced
RV Sensed
Noise window (40 ms)
RV Refractory:
sensed = nonprogrammable
paced = programmable
Figure 5-21. Refractory periods and noise w ind ow s, RV
If Noise Response is programmed to Inhibit, and the sensed noise extends the
noise window beyond the programmed paced or sensed interval, the pace
escape interval timing will reset and the pulse generator will not pace until
one escape interval after the noise ceases. The pulse generator will continue
to use a retriggerable noise window. In addition, a Dynamic Noise algorithm
is intended to automa tically adjust the maximum sensitivity to av oid noise
detection. This algorithm is active in all rate channels.
If event m arkers are bein g transm it ted:
The marker [VS] occurs when the noise window is initially triggered
following a V pace
If retriggered for 340 ms, the marker [VN] occurs
With continuous retriggers, the marker [VN] occurs frequently
Depending on the chamber where noise is occurring, the marker [AS] or
[VS] occurs when the no ise window is initially triggered following a pace
If retriggered for 340 ms, the marker [AN] or [VN] occurs
With continuous retriggers, the marker [AN] or [VN] occurs frequently
NOTE: In pacer-dependent patients, use care when considering setting Noise
Response to Inhibit as pacing will not occur.