User Manual Part 2

Figure 6-1. Battery Detail summary screen
Capacitor Re-formation
Automatic Capacitor Re-form. Capacitor deformation may occur during
periods when no shocks are delivered, resulting in longer charge times. To
reduce the effect of capacitor deformation on charge time, the capacitors are
automatically re-formed. Tones will not be emitted from the pulse generator
during automatic capacitor re-formations (even if the Beep During Capacitor
Charge feature is programmed to On). During a capacitor re-formation, the
Charge Time is measured and stored for later retrieval.
Manual Capacitor Re-form. Manual capacitor re-forms are not necessary, but
may be commanded via the PRM as follows:
1. Select the Manual Re-form Capacitor button on the Battery Detail screen
and ensure that telemetry communication is established. A message
will appear indicating that the capacitors are charging. Warbling tones
from the pulse generator (if the Beep During Capacitor Charge feature is
programmed to On) will sound while the capacitors are charging.
2. The entire re-form cycle typically takes less than 15 seconds. After
completion of the cycle, the capacitor energy is d elivered to the pulse
generator’s internal test load. The initial Charge Time is displayed on the
Battery Detail screen.
Charge Time Measurement
The pulse generator measures the Charge Time whenever its capacitors
charge. The last measured value is stored in pulse generator memory and
displayed by t he PRM system on the Battery Detail screen .