User Manual Part 2

completed. Event markers and EGMs are interrupted during VFib induction
and will automatically re start following induction.
4. To stop the induction train, release the button (the button will become
dimmed again).
5. To deliver another brillation induction, repeat thes e step s .
Shock on T Induction
A Shock on T wave induction method allows the device to deliver a drive train
(up to 30 equally timed pacing pulses, or S1 pulses) through the ventricular
pace/sense electrodes followed by shock delivery through the shocking
electrodes (Figure 8-2 on page 8-6).
400 400 400 400 400 400
S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1
Last sensed or
paced beat
Drive Pulses
S1 Interval
Figure 8-2. Shock on T inductio n drive train
The initial S1 pulse follows the last sensed or paced event at the S1 interval.
The shock is coupled to the last S1 pulse of the drive train.
Performing Shock on T Induction
1. Select the Shock on T option. The programmable induction parameters
will be displayed.
2. Select the desired value for each parameter.
3. Select the Enable checkbox. The Induce button will no longer be dimmed.
4. Select the Induce button to begin delivery o f the drive train. The pulses are
delivered in sequence until the programmed number of pulses is reached.