User Manual Part 2

Performing PES Induction
1. Select the PES option. Buttons for the S1–S5 pulses and the corresponding
burst cycle lengths are displayed.
2. Sele ct th e de sired value for the S1–S5 intervals (Figu re 8 -4 on pag e 8-8 ).
You can either select a value box for the desired S interval and choose a
value from the box or use the plus or minus symbols to change the value
visible in the value box.
Figure 8-4. PES induction options
3. Select the Enable checkbox.
4. Select (do not hold) the Induce button to begin delivery of the drive train.
When the programmed number of S1 pulses is delivered, the pulse
generator will then deliver the programmed S2–S5 pulses. The pulses are
delivered in sequence until a pulse is encountered that is set to Off (e.g.,
if S1 and S2 are set to 600 ms, and S3 is Off, then S3, S4, and S5 will
not be delivered). Once induction is initiated, the PES delivery will not
stop if you interrupt telemetry communication. (You can press the DIVERT
THERAPY key to stop induction delivery.) If PES induction is initiated
during an episode, the end-of-episode is declared before the PES induction
pulses are started. A new episode (with initial detection and therapy) can
be declared after the PES inductio n is completed.
5. PES induction is complete when the drive train and extra stimuli are
delivered, at which time the pulse generator automatically restarts
NOTE: Ensure the PES induction is complete before beginning another
NOTE: When PES is used to terminate an arrhythmia that has been detected
(and an episode declared), the episode is terminated when the PES is
commanded regardless of whether it is successful or not. The PES itself is not
recorded in therapy history; this may result in several episodes being counted
in therap y history.