User Manual Part 2

If necessary, lubricate the lead connectors sparingly with sterile water to
make insertion easier.
If a lead terminal encounters resistance on insertion into the lead port,
insert the wrench into the preslit depression of the seal plug and angle it
gently to open the valve and allow excess air to bleed out of the seal plug.
•Signicant amounts of uid or sterile water in a lead bore may make it
difcult to fully inse rt le a ds. If signicant amounts of uid or sterile water
are present, insert the torque wrench into the setscrew before inserting the
leads. This will allow uid to drain from the lead bore.
For proper connection of an IS-1 lead to the pulse generator, be certain that
the connector pin visibly extends through the connector block at least 1 mm.
Step G: Evaluate Lead Signa ls
1. Take the pulse generator out of power-saving Storage mode by
programmin g the Tachy Mode to Off.
CAUTION: To prevent inappropriate shocks, ensure that the pulse generator’s
Tachy M ode is programmed to Off when not in use and before handling the
device. For tachyarrhythmia therapy, verify that the Tachy Mode is activated.
2. Evaluate the pace/sense and debrillation lead signals by vie win g th e
real-time EGMs and markers. The signal from the implanted deb rilla tion
leads should be continuous and without artifact, similar to a body-surface
ECG. A discontinuous signal may indicate a poor connection, lead fracture
or otherwise damaged lead, or an insulation break that would necessitate
lead replacement. Inadequate signals may result in failure of the pulse
generator system to detect an arrhy th mia, inability to deliver program med
therapy, or unnecessary delivery of therapy. Lead measurements should
reect those in (Table 9-1 on page 9-5).
CAUTION: For dual-chamber models, take care to ensure that artifacts from
the ventricles are not present on the atrial channel, or atrial oversensing may
result. If ventricular artifacts are present in the atrial channel, the atrial lead
may need to be repositioned to minimize its interaction.
3. Evaluate all lead impedances using the Lead Impedance test a ccessed
from the Diagnostic Evaluation tool.