User Manual Part 3

Lead Impedance Test
A lead impedance test can be performed and used as a relative m easure of
lead integrity over time.
A shock impedance test is a useful tool in detecting shocking lead integrity
changes over time. Evaluating this information together with the Last Delivered
Shock impedance (displayed on the Battery Detail screen) or a s ubsequent
high-energy shock impedance and other non-invasive diagnostic techniques
may help troubleshoot potential lead s ystem conditions.
Pace and Shock lead impedance tests can be performed from the Lead Tests
screen by completing the following steps:
1. Sele ct the desired lead impedance test button. Selecting and holding a
button will cause measurements to be repeated for up to 10 seconds until
the button is released.
2. During the test, a window will display the test progress. When the window
closes, the same test can be performed by once again selecting the desired
lead impedance test button. To cancel the test, select the Cancel button or
press the DIVERT THERAPY key on the PRM.
3. When the test is complete, the impedance measurement will be displayed.
If the test is repeated, the impedance measurements from the previous
session’s test and the current test will be displayed.
NOTE: The test results from the last measurement are stored in pulse
generator memory, retrieved during the initial interrogation, and displayed on
the Lead Tests screen. The measurements are also provided on the Quick
Notes report.
Pace Threshold Test
The Pace Threshold Test determines the minimum pace amplitude and/or
pulse width needed for capture in a specic chamber. The minimu m 2x volta ge
or 3x pulse width safety margin is recommended for each c hamber based
on the capture thresholds, which should provide an adequate safety margin
and help preserve battery longevity.
Manual Pace Threshold Test