User Manual Part 3

Thetestbeginsataspecied startin g value an d steps that value down
(amplitude or pulse width) as the test progresses. The PRM beeps with each
decrement. The values used during the threshold test are programmable.
The parameters are only in effect during the test. Testing for a chamber is
allowed only when pacing is active for that chamber in the mode specied in
the start column.
NOTE: The starting values for Amplitude and Pulse Width values are
automatically calculated. The device retriev es the sto red results for the
previous pace threshold m easurement (for the parameter being tested) and
sets the parameter at three steps above the previous threshold measurement.
The LRL is preselected at 90 ppm. For DDD mode, the LRL is further limited
to 10 ppm below the MTR.
NOTE: If DDD mode is chosen, selecting either the atrial or ventricular test
will cause the pacing output to decrease only in the chamber selected.
CAUTION: Durin g the LV threshold test, RV bac kup p acing is un available.
NOTE: When VVI mode and a ventricular test are s elected, only the pacing
output of the selected ventricular chamber decreases; the other ventricular
chamber is not affected.
NOTE: When DDD mode and a ventricular test are selected, only the pacing
output of the selected ventricular c hamber decreases; the atrium is paced at a
continuous amplitude, and the other ventricular chamber is not paced.
Once the test is started, the device operates with the specied brady
parameters. Using the programmed number of cycles per step, the device
then decrements (steps down) the selected test type parameter (Amplitude or
Pulse Width) until the test is complete. Real-time electrograms and annotated
event markers, which include the values being tested, continue to be available
during threshold testing. The display will automatically adjust to reect the
chamber being tested.
During the threshold test, the programmer displays the test parameters in a
window while the test is in progress. To pause the test or perform a manual
adjustment, select the Hold button on the window. Select the + or button to
manually increase or decrease the value being tested. To continue the test,
select the Continue button.