User Manual Part 3

Step B: Interrogate and Check the Pulse Generator
To maintain sterility, te st th e puls e generator as described below before opening
the sterile blister tray. The pulse generator should be at room temperature to
ensure accurately measu red para meters.
1. Interrogate the pulse generator using the PRM. Verify that the pulse
generator’s Tachy mode is programmed to Storage. If otherwise, call
Technical Services at the phone number provided on the back of this
2. Perform a manual capacitor re-formation.
3. Review the pulse generator’s current battery status. Counters should be
at zero. If the pulse generator battery status is not at BOL, do not implant
the pulse generator. Call Technical Services at the phone number provided
on the back of this manual.
Step C: Implant the L ead System
The pulse generator requires a lead system for sensing, pacing, and delivering
shocks. The pulse generator uses its case as a debrillating electrode.
Selection of lead co n guration and specic surgical procedures is a matter of
professional judgement. The following lead system congurations are available
for use with the pulse generator:
ENDOTAK endocardial cardioversion/debrillation and pacing lead system
Ventricular endocardial bipolar lead
Atrial bipo lar lead
Guidant transvenous coronary venous (pace/sense) lead
Unipolar sutureless myocardial leads and, if necessary, an appropriate
Guidant lead adapter
Superior vena cava lead coupled with a ventricular patch lead
Two-patch epicar dia l leads conguration