User Manual Part 3

NOTE: If the coronary venous lead cannot be used and the physician’s
medical judgment indicates that a limited left thoracotomy is justied to place
an epicardial lead, the use of sutureable, steroid-eluting pace/sense epicardial
leads is recommended.
CAUTION: The absence of a lead or plug in a lead port may affect device
performance. If a lead is not used, be sure to properly insert a plug in the
unused port.
Whichever lead conguration is used for both pacing/sensing and debr illating,
several considerations and cautions should be heeded. Such factors as
cardiomegaly or drug therapy may necessitate repositioning of the debrillating
leads or substituting on e lead for another to facilitate arrhythmia conversio n.
In some instances, no lead conguration may be found that provides reliable
arrhythmia termination at energy levels available from the pulse generator;
implantation of the pulse generator is not recommended in these cases.
Implant the leads via the surgical approach chosen.
CAUTION: Do not suture directly over the lead body as this may cause
structural damag e . Use the lead stabilize r to secure the lead lateral to the
venous entry side.
Step D: Take Bas eline Measurements
Once the leads are implanted, take baseline measurements. Evaluate the
lead signals. If performing a pulse generator replacement procedure, existing
leads should be reevaluated, (e.g., signal amplitudes, pacing thresholds, and
impedance). The use of radiography may help ensure lead position and
integrity. If testing results are unsatisfactory, lead system repositioning or
replacement may be required.