683 Theatre
If you’re watching movies and listening to music
in a large, open space, you need a system with
authority as well as attention to detail. The 683
Theatre will command the largest domestic spaces
with ease.
Main: 683
Centre: HTM61
Surround: DS3
Subwoofer: ASW610XP
684 Theatre
For maximum detail and impact in medium-sized to
large rooms, team up a pair of 2½-way 684s with a
larger subwoofer, an HTM62 centre speaker and a
pair of 686s in the rear position.
Main: 684
Centre: HTM62
Surround: 686
Subwoofer: ASW610
685 Theatre
The most compact of the three set-ups, the 685
Theatre is a bookshelf-based arrangement for more
enclosed listening environments. With an ASW608
subwoofer bringing bass aplenty, it still packs all the
punch you’ll need.
Main: 685
Centre: HTM62
Surround: 686
Subwoofer: ASW608
Home theatre packages. With two bookshelf speaker
models, two floorstanders, two centre speakers and three
subwoofers in the 600 Series, there’s a lot of potential
ways to assemble a home theatre system. Here are three
groups that, to our ears, go together as harmoniously as
the Beach Boys or Ladysmith Black Mambazo.