Treble. Mobile phones, DVD players, car navigation
systems… Sooner or later, most technological advances
become accessible. Few, though, will generate as much
sheer pleasure as the innovations now found in the 600
Neodymium magnets similar to the kind used in
the tweeter of the 800 Series replace the ceramic
magnets of the previous 600 Series tweeter. More
compact, they allow the separation between the
centres of the midrange and tweeter to be reduced,
which makes for a more focused sound ‘image’.
Other refinements, to the magnet pole and the
surround material, have lowered distortion and
further sharpened the imaging. All of which adds up
to a tweeter of such high quality that it requires only
a 1st-order filter, whose simplicity helps to preserve
the full purity of the signal.
When we develop a breakthrough technology for
one of our studio-standard ranges, every other
B&W product feels the benefit. What was state-of-
the-art in the high-end series becomes state-of-
the-art in more affordable ranges. Everything that
goes into a B&W speaker has a pedigree. The
600 Series tweeter is a case in point. Its tube-
loaded design, which spirits away unwanted sonic
radiation from behind the dome, first appeared in
our convention-busting Nautilus™ speaker. The
aluminium dome itself, bonded resolutely to the
voice coil, achieves truer-than-ever frequencies well
past the upper limit of human hearing.