Owner's Manual

3. Battery Charging
PX headphones are shipped with battery power
and may be used immediately, however, it is good
practice to charge the battery fully before rst use. It
can take up to 3 hours for PX headphones to reach
full charge. However it is possible to use them while
the battery is charging.
Note: The indicator initially displays battery
charge when PX headphones are switched on.
Green indicates that the battery is above 30%
charged. Yellow indicates that the battery is
between 30% and 10% charged. Red indicates
that the battery is below 10% charged. If the
indicator blinks red, the battery charge is
insufcient for headphones operation. Indicator
illumination is fully described in Diagram 5.
Battery charging is described in the
following paragraphs:
Using the supplied USB charging cable, connect
the headphones to a powered USB socket: a
computer USB socket, a mains USB charger or
an in-car charger.
While charging, the headphone indicator will
blink green. As the level of charge increases
the illuminated period of the blink will get
longer. When fully charged the indicator will
remain illuminated.
4. Wearing Your Headphones
Using your headphones correctly will help ensure
that their performance reaches its full potential. First,
identify the left and right ear pieces. Identication
legends can be found on the lower inside of the
headband as illustrated in Diagram 3.
Place the headphones on your head with the
headband adjusted so that each ear piece sits
comfortably over the ear as illustrated in Diagram 4.
Ensure that the ear pieces are not pulling upwards
and causing unnecessary pressure on your head.
We recommended that you return your headphones
to their storage pouch when not in use.
Note: Wearing glasses that distort the prole
of your ears may interfere with headphone
Environment Filter performance. Similarly, hair
trapped between your ears and the headphone
ear-pieces may compromise proximity sensing.
5. Switching On and Off
To switch on your PX headphones, slide the power
button sideways as shown in Diagram 5.
Your PX headphones are designed to switch
intelligently to standby and disconnect from
Bluetooth when not in use, and to wake up when
worn, so there is generally no need to switch them
off. Should you want to switch off however, slide the
power button and hold it for a second or two. The
indicator will ash red to conrm switch off.
The headphones will provide an audio cue as they
switch on and off.
Note: PX headphones left switched on
but inactive for more than two minutes will
automatically switch to standby mode to save
battery power.
Note: The sensitivity of the ear-piece proximity
sensors that control switch on and standby can
be adjusted within the headphone app.
Diagram 3:
Identifying left and right
Diagram 4:
Adjusting the ear-piece.
Diagram 5:
Switching on.