Use and Care Manual
Replace the Rail Assembly on the
BXE116 / BXE216 Ellipticals
Skill Level: II
Replacement Procedure
NOTICE: ThisdocumentprovidesinstructionsforthereplacementoftheRailAssemblyontheBowex
BXE116 / BXE216 Ellipticals.
If you need assistance, please call Bowflex Customer Service at 1-800-605-3369.
This icon means a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Read and understand all
Warnings on this machine.
Important Safety Instructions - Before servicing or using this equipment, obey the following warnings:
This icon means a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Read and under-
stand all Warnings on this machine.
To reduce the risk of electrical shock or unsupervised usage of the equipment, always unplug the power cord from the
wall outlet and wait 5 minutes before cleaning, maintaining or repairing this machine. Place the power cord in a secure
• Read and understand the Part Replacement Procedure before working on the machine. Failure to obey the instructions and safety warnings could cause
injury to the service technician or bystanders.
• Keep bystanders, children and pets away from the product being serviced at all times.
• Make sure that the repair is done in an appropriate work space away from foot traffic and exposure to bystanders.
• Disconnect all power and allow to sit for 5 minutes before you service this machine.
• Some components of the equipment can be heavy or awkward. Enlist the service of a second person when you do maintenance steps involving these
components. Do not try to do heavy or awkward steps on your own.
• If replacement parts are necessary, use only genuine Nautilus replacement parts and hardware. Failure to use genuine replacement parts can cause a
risk to users, keep the machine from operating correctly and will void the warranty.
• Be sure that all warning stickers and instructional placards applied to the product stay present and in good condition when doing maintenance or replac-
ing components. If necessary request replacement warning stickers or placards from Nautilus customer service.
• Do not try to change the design or functionality of the machine being serviced as this can adversely effect user safety and will void the warranty.
• Do not use the machine until all shrouds, instructions, warning labels and correct functionality have been verified and tested for correct performance.
Nautilus, Inc., (800) 605-3369, - Customer Service: North America (800) 605-3369, | outside U.S. | Printed in China | © 2017 Nautilus, Inc. | ® indicates
trademarks registered in the United States. These marks may be registered in other nations or otherwise protected by common law. Bowflex and the B logo are trademarks owned by or licensed to Nautilus, Inc.
Tools Required (not included)
6mmhexwrench Staticsolidobject(likeabookorbox)about2”thick
13mm open end wrench